Recent content by Dwigt

  1. D

    Windows 7 Cannot eliminate the "The publisher cannot be verified" warning even when I uncheck "Always ask befo

    I have a shortcut in my start menu to a file Putty.exe that is in the directory K:\Putty\, where K is a server. Every single time I click on this link I get a warning that says "The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software?" and every single time I click "Run."...
  2. D

    Windows 7 Problem remotely connecting to my Win7 box

    When I use Remote Desktop Connection on my Mac to connect to my Windows 7 box and I log in with the normal username and password, it connects me, but it opens another session. So if I go to the "Users" tab of Task Manager, there's two sessions of the same username listed (one from the console...
  3. D

    Windows 7 GetCommState keeps failing with error ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION

    I am using a Windows 7 machine, and I am trying to follow the C++ example posted here: and I keep entering this if statement fSuccess = GetCommState(hCom, &dcb); if (!fSuccess) { // Handle the error. printf...