Recent content by fqa

  1. F

    Windows 7 Windows Media Player Alarm Clock using Task Scheduler

    that just might be it! :) thanks! now i feel like a noob! damn hidden settings in plain sight.. give it a try tonight!
  2. F

    Windows 7 Windows Media Player Alarm Clock using Task Scheduler

    Keek, that was helpful. I will try your solution. Mike: there is no wmplayer.exe or any other playback process running that i can identify...
  3. F

    Windows 7 Windows Media Player Alarm Clock using Task Scheduler

    How do I stop a task scheduled alarm? how do i shut off the task? my attempt before searching the net for solutions was to just start the task ".../..x.mp3"; not as an argument to any program, but as the line to launch! it worked! but i saw no way to turn the playback off :S what is...