Recent content by Gabriel Turqos

  1. G

    Add New User with Specific Expire Date

    I want to add a user account to my linuxbox. But this user will have specific expire time which will be specified at the useradd definition.
  2. G

    Disable Selinux Temporarily

    I want to dislabe SeLinux but this will be temporary where after reboot it should be enabled.
  3. G

    Check Java version from Command Line

    I have a Java installation and I have only access via bash. How can I check the Java version from command line.
  4. G

    List Only Usernames

    Iwant to list only users names in a Linux system byusing the /etc/passwd file.
  5. G

    List installed packages

    How can I list installed rpm packages ?
  6. G

    How to list databases from Linux command list?

    I have a mariadb database and I want to list existing databases from the linux command line.
  7. G

    Shutdown system after 3 minutes

    How can I shutdown the system after 3 minutes automatically.
  8. G

    Remove A User From the specific Group In Linux

    How can I remove a specific user from the group?
  9. G

    Run Local Script On Remote System via SSH

    I have a script in my system. I want to run this script on the remote system which has SSH connection.
  10. G

    Match for a word in a text with the PHP script

    I have an applications developed with PHP. I have a big text file where I want to match for a word but this can be change in the feature. How can I match a word in PHP?
  11. G

    Install pip command in Mint

    I have to install the Django package to my mint distribution. I want to accomplish this by using pip command but can not find the pip command. How can I install the pip command ? Thanks
  12. G

    Install Nessus Vulnerability Scanner To Linux

    I want to install nessus non commercial version into my Linux ubuntu box. How can I get and install nessus? Thanks
  13. G

    Remove Qemu/Kvm Snapshots

    How ca i list snapshot information and delete snapshot from command line or bash in elegant way? Thanks
  14. G

    Linux Bash User Input

    I am writing a script which requires user input. How can I prompt for user input to use in my bash script. Thanks for your offer to help. I'm very grateful.
  15. G

    How to search multiple terms in Google?

    I have a project related with Google Dork. I need to search multiple things in a single search with the terms like search txt files in given domain only. Thanks in advance for your help!