I have two PCs in this room, one called ELLIOT-PC and one called ELLIOT-SERVER.
ELLIOT-SERVER has a Local Account profile called Elliot, that I use to share folders.
ELLIOT-PC has a Microsoft Account profile (Hotmail).
When I try to navigate to \\elliot-server in Windows Explorer on...
access issues
account permissions
credential manager
file sharing
guest account
home network
local account
login problems
microsoft account
network share
remote access
server access
user authentication
user profiles
windows 10
windows explorer
General information
I am running Windows 11 Pro 23H2.
Settings > System > About shows: 'Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22700.1020.0"
The problem
When I try to run the PS Remote Play installer, I get the following:
"To use PS Remote Play, update your computer's OS to the...
Windows has always liked opening new Windows Explorer windows in random places on my desktop.
Does anyone know of a Windows Explorer toolbar button (or system tray icon) that moves current window to certain position (that I set) on my display?
I have tried changing the account type to a local account on the Downstairs-PC and using Downstairs-PC as the username and the downstairs PC's Windows password as the password but I'm getting the same issue.
I have two PCs on my network, Upstairs-PC and Downstairs-PC. Both run Windows 11.
I recently had to reinstall Windows 11 on my downstairs PC.
Since then, even though I believe I have set up sharing as normal, when I try to access \\Downstairs-PC, it tells me my credentials are incorrect.
I linked to that page in my original post.
My computer was fully up-to-date, as was the app, and I had restarted the system.
Uninstalling the app and reinstalling it fixed it 👍🏻
When I try to play a video, I get a U7361-1254-80072EE2 error.
My computer is fully up-to-date, as is the app, and I have restarted the system.
Do I just need to wait for an app update so the DRM (presumably that is the real issue) works again with Windows 11?
EDIT: Uninstalling the app and...