Recent content by rafaelsoteldo

  1. rafaelsoteldo

    Windows 7 Can´t access folders located in one of my computers from the others

    I have a network consisting of three machines. All of them have Windows 7 Ultimate, One of them is a 32 bits Desktop PC, the others are two 64 bits laptops. I installed all three machines using the same configuration other than the Windows 7 x64 and x32 settings. I'll name them PC, laptop 1 and...
  2. rafaelsoteldo

    Windows 7 Undeleting a directory from another machine

    Hi there: I accidentally deleted a directory from another machine in my network, I don´t see the folder in the recycle bin. Is there any way of undeleting it or recovering? The title of this post is not well formulated, I only want to recover it no matter what machine I use...
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