About Us

A worldwide forum community for open Microsoft Windows help and support



WindowsForum.com is an open community for Microsoft Windows customers and enthusiasts. It is not owned or operated by Microsoft Corporation, but the website has produced many dozens of instructional YouTube videos, has received over fifty million unique visitors, and has drawn support from Microsoft's well-trained and highly dedicated employees, including, at one time, members of the OS development team.


WindowsForum.com is conceptualized by a single idea: Make discussion about Microsoft Windows free and unbiased. Make support accessible and fun. Redefine the forum experience through a dedication to website development as an applied science and an art form. With accounts on MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and more, Windows Forums operates across a spectrum of social networking platforms and in countries around the world. We are excited to be here!


WindowsForum.com is owned by Mike Fara and operated by a team of dedicated supporters. Mike is 7x certified by Microsoft, the Computer Technology Industry Association, and CrossLoop Inc and has been a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional from 2011 - 2013. He works on the business side of the website as a programmer, web developer, marketer, salesman, and chief executive. He is joined by many highly decorated, experienced, and dedicated volunteers from around the world who share similar, and in some cases, even greater levels of expertise.

Community-Driven Support and Discussion


We are able to provide community driven support and discussion, and have been doing so since 2005, with anticipation of the release of Microsoft Windows Vista. Our forum network once existed under the properties Windows 7 Forums ("windows7forums.com"), Windows 8 Forums ("windows8forums.com"), and Windows Vista Forums ("winvistaforums.com"). As of August 2013, all of these properties were merged into one website, database, and new software platform, for the long-term benefit of our members and viewers.


With a do-it-yourself approach to system management and administration, we provide you, our viewer, the tools necessary to add your own content, retrieve content that may be relevent to your issue, or start a completely new discussion on something entirely different. The opportunities are endless, and are paid for, traditionally, through our paid advertising platform, donations, and software sale affiliations, which keep the service operational.


Windows Forums utilizes a world-wide content delivery network to send data across the planet at the closest possible location to your Internet protocol address. We continue to make difficult, ground-breaking, and lofty decisions to keep our website relevant and useful to every visitor that decides to use it. We recognize, however, that user contributions are what make the website so special. Without such contributions, we would have no content, no discussions, and no community.


We therefore go to great lengths to recognize our members, viewers, and dedicated contributors as best as possible. In the past, many of our members have received the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award for their dedication to the website; an award that is issued directly by Microsoft Corporation. In affiliation with Microsoft, we have implemented the Microsoft Community Contributor badge program.


We continue to work with software and hardware partners, not just to sell software to our viewers, but to provide an accomodation to them should they purchase that software. We are pleased to continue affiliations with most major anti-virus vendors, backup and recovery software companies, and numerous other businesses and websites.

Respecting Member Privacy and Opinions


Unlike many other forum websites, we pride ourselves with allowing diverging opinions and arguments to be made regarding the development of the Microsoft Windows operating system, as well as competing products and services. Because we are operated independently, we are able to provide this level of freedom and protection to our members. Further, we do not sell the information of our members to third parties, such as e-mail addresses, or personal information.


We have found, however, companies like Microsoft to be very supportive of our efforts, and their acknowledgement of what we hope to achieve with the website. Ultimately, we have created a large information archive and repository for technological discussion and support that has stood the test of time. Having started on July 22, 2005, we are among the oldest and long lasting Windows community on the Internet, and hope to keep with this tradition for the benefit of the greater Windows community, as well as technological enthusiasts worldwide. Thank you for visiting our website.
