
  1. Windows 10 "And Now for Something completely Different"

    "And now for something completely different" Does this apply to what Microsoft knew they were giving people w/ Windows 8. OR Does it apply to what people thought Microsoft was giving them w/ Windows 8? OR Does it apply to Windows 10? Windows 8 was different from the past and a window to the...
  2. Serenity

    Here is a prayer worthy of one's attention, whether one believes in God or not: God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time Enjoying one moment at a time Accepting hardships...
  3. What You will abandon? give your answer.

    you only can choose four from the following: 1.The acceptance letter of Harvard University 2.$5 billions 3.Relatives 4.Your girlfriend or boyfriend 5.Network Don't be greedy :noway:
  4. Windows 8 Windows 8 Sales Well Below Projections, Plenty of Blame to Go Around

    Uncertainty could turn Windows 8 into the next Vista Sales of Windows 8 PCs are well below Microsoft’s internal projections and have been described inside the company as disappointing. But here’s the catch: The software giant blames the slow start on lackluster PC maker designs and...
  5. VIDEO Adele cut off during her acceptance speech Brit Awards 2012 HD
