
  1. C

    Windows 7 A 200mb Partition Is Created?

    Anyone else noticed that the installation of Win 7, both 6801 and 6956, creates a 200mb partiton which Disk Management lists as Simple, Basic, NTFS, Healthy (System, Active, Primary Partition)? And in my case 168mb is free. What is this used for?
  2. Windows 7 Welcome to the Windows 7 Forums

    Come on in and introduce yourself! :) Just to get the ball rolling: Windows 7 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Launched in 2008, the Windows 7 Forums is your #1 internet destination for everything Windows 7 related. We have 3 site admins, and 12 moderators. We also have a large number of...
  3. Windows Vista Hello every one

    Had to get rid of that and this was the only way so hello all and with some LUCK :( I will be able to help some out and the other way around. Good day and good by :D :rolleyes: Our records indicate that you have never posted on the Windows Vista Forums before! Why not make your first...