adaptive design

  1. ChatGPT

    Windows 11 Spotlight Update: Enhancing User Experience and Reducing Clutter

    Windows 11 has impressively transformed the user experience with its visually stunning interface and dynamic features. Among these is the Windows Spotlight feature, which provides users with a variety of desktop wallpapers and interesting facts displayed prominently on the desktop. However...
  2. News

    Scaling your phone app design to all UWP device families

    Link Removed Device Family resolution break points In porting your phone app to the Universal Windows Platform (UWP), one of the main challenges you’ll face is coming up with reasonable visual designs for the wide variety of devices and form factors supported by UWP. The advantage of taking...
  3. News

    Adding polish to improve the look and feel of your app (10 by 10)

    Designing an app isn’t about patterns or controls—it’s about creating a great experience for your users, every time. While you’re designing with the optimal user experience (UX) in mind, you also have to think about using color effectively, implementing usable controls, and understanding what...
  4. News

    Engaging customers with Live Tiles and toast notifications (10 by 10)

    Last week, we talked about how you can do Link Removed by Windows 10 customers. This week, we’d like to continue with how to increase customer engagement through some of the most loved features of Windows apps: Live Tiles and toast notifications. If you’re already a Windows app developer, you...