adult content

  1. VIDEO Being a ********'s Cool | Some adult content = hmm ?

  2. .xxx Red Light Domain Gets Go Ahead

    The organization that oversees the distribution of Internet domain names has given final approval to ".xxx", a domain dedicated to adult subject matter. The new domain is known as a generic top-level domain, meaning it is the final part of a website address and isn't country-specific (like...
  3. Windows Vista EC Tests Show Windows Vista Is Above Average — At Blocking Content

    littlekorea writes "Microsoft's much-maligned Vista operating system has been named in the top three of 26 tools tested by the European Commission to filter out web content deemed inappropriate for children. The EC tests found that none of the 26 products enjoyed a 100 percent success rate...
  4. VIDEO Lady Gaga - Telephone ft. Beyoncé : Some adult content not suitable for kids !

  5. VIDEO Hayman - Crazy Farmer in a Bale Of Hay HD : Some Adult Content !

  6. VIDEO Kinect doesn’t censor naked female porn stars

    No, Microsoft’s Kinect does not censor naked female porn stars. How did we ascertain this important fact, you ask? Well, the dedicated geeks at Link Removed asked adult film star Kirsten Price to test the system's face and body recognition software. Er, all for the sake of science, of...
  7. VIDEO MAD TV John Madden Vagisil Commercial = Not suitable for kids = some adult humour !