album artist

  1. Jimmy59601

    Windows 10 Copying Mp3 tag field values to another field

    I'm not very familiar with Mp3 editing tools, but I want to copy, en masse, all the values in my Mp3s' Contributing artists field to the Album artist field. I know that I can do this through Explorer in each file's properties, but I have a lot of files to do. Ideally, something like a...
  2. J

    Windows 7 any tweak for determining which album art appears in WMC waterfall?

    Hi, I love Windows Media Center, I use it everyday. I have religiously tagged all my ALBUMS to be as I want them. When I play them, I get that lovely background of all my album arts slowly tracking downwards as the waterfall wallpaper. BACKGROUND: The other day, I decided to add all my...
  3. E

    Windows 7 Why is Artist missing in choosing column details>?

    In Windows 7, why did Microsoft remove the Artist column when selecting column details? They do include Album Artist and Contributing Artist but I have yet to see any app use these. Artist is one of the most important categories for grouping or selecting music. Does anyone know how you can...