animal care

  1. whoosh

    ART First Tin Of Pet Food

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Abandoned Dog Turns From Fear to Love After Being Rescued

    :up: :peace::love_heart:
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Florida Woman Keeps Bengal Tigers In Her Garden

    :razz: :eek:
  4. cybercore

    [Believe it or Not] Cat gives birth to dog.

    Meet the CAT who's just become the proud mother of a kitten-puppy - also in China, oddly enough. Zhou Yun, the cat's owner, says she knew her furry friend was pregnant so she wasn't surprised when she happened upon two kittens at the beginning of the month. On closer inspection...
  5. cybercore

    [PETS] Kangaroo who likes his creature comforts

    Irwin likes the finer things in life. He is chauffeured around town, likes to wear a suit and sleeps in a comfortable bed. Trouble is, Irwin’s a kangaroo. The one-year-old great red kangaroo has free reign of owner Christie Carr’s home. Weighing 11kg (25lb), he is dressed in human...
  6. cybercore

    The new Knuts? Cute polar bear cubs revealed for the first time

    Days after the sad death of much-loved polar bear Knut these cute cubs celebrated their first day out in front of the public with an arctic roll with their mum. The polar bear cubs - Gregot and Aleut, now four months old - joined mum Vera as they met their fans for the first time at...
  7. cybercore

    Cute Alert

    Estela the baby spider monkey, abandoned by her mother, has found a maternal replacement in the guise of a cuddly toy at Melbourne Zoo in Australia. Estela was given the cuddly toy monkey to hug after her mother rejected her at birth, leaving her traumatised. Staff are hoping that the...
  8. cybercore

    VIDEO Miniature Cattle Are Cash Cows for Breeder

    Mini Moos: Miniature Cattle Are Cash Cows for Breeder Yes, good things often come in small packages. We brought you a lot of animal stories in 2010, but the year ended in a bang on a Colorado farm with the birth of a rare miniature panda cow. The calf, named Ben, arrived at the farm of...
  9. cybercore

    VIDEO 8 Things Your Pet Shouldn’t Eat

    Link Removed due to 404 Error 8 Things Your Pet Shouldn't Eat | Real Simple Don’t Feed These to Fido You may share your backyard and even your bed, but it’s probably best to avoid sharing a meal with man’s best friend, or any other pet for that matter. Listed...