
  1. Windows 7 Hardware Latency/CPU issues after (SOLVED)

    Had a black out here not too long ago, a program was going to reboot the computer prior however never had its chance. Now I can't use the computer any more due to lag, I spent 8 hours the other day fixing a hardware issue that caused latency spikes of 25ms which was effecting the whole system...
  2. Surface Pro 3 Video Anomalies and Windows 10 Build 9926

    If you're having performance issues with your Surface Pro 3 after installing Windows 10 Build 9926, there's a fix. read more Continue reading...
  3. VIDEO The Starchild Skull: Disclosure's Smoking Gun - Lloyd Pye (full video)

    :shocked: :zoned:
  4. S

    Windows 7 BSOD and Graphics Issues

    I built my computer almost a year ago. Almost right away I noticed that my display driver was crashing occasionally and I would notice graphics issues/anomolies. The display driver crashes would happen more frequently if I had dual monitors connected. I ended up doing a full OS reinstall and the...