
  1. Windows 10 Windows 10 - reading mode

    I use my PC in a dark environment and brightness of my monitor is high to use like this, mainly in the night. I want to find a way to control the screen brightness, either through the windows or any external program, so that it can automatically change the brightness towards the evening. I can...
  2. VIDEO Smoking Lettuce: Auto Tune the News #5

  3. VIDEO Dodge Challenger Bikini Car Wash

  4. T

    Windows 7 Varied/Frequent BSOD cont.

    I recently posted and have updated all drivers which needed to be updated I couldn't change the DRAM frequency to the setting I was told as the option doesn't exist, it is currently set to auto (Yess i'm 100% sure) and all my drivers are up to date. Now I recieve a BSOD every 10-30 minutes and...
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    Windows 7 Maximized Windows

    An annoying feature of windows 7 is that windows maximize automatically when I drag them around the screen. How do I turn this off? Thanx!
  6. C

    Windows 7 How to turn off the auto-fullscreen function for windows in windows 7?

    How do I turn off the auto-fullscreen function for windows in windows 7? Really like windows 7 except from some stuffs that I never get used to... Please if anyone knows where I could turn it off in any settings for windows 7. Tried to search for it on google but didn't found what I was...
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    Windows 7 McAfee fix

    Those of you that are having problems with your McAfee updating. Goto controal pannel and click on services, goto Nvidia display service and right click on it, click on properties ans set to manual. Restart and then click on fix in McAfee and now click on update. When it is done set Nvidia back...