
  1. VIDEO Report: Iran Top Nuclear Scientist Killed by 1-Ton Automated Gun

    :eek: :shocked:
  2. B

    Windows 10 completely disable windows defender schedules

    I can stand no more windoes defender automated schedules. My laptop CPU rockets to 70% for half and hour and the lappy gets boiling. I have attempted to disable each entry in task scheduler however this will not stop defender to run randomly How can I stop this? PS - I want to keep real time...
  3. Information about Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services and Support Diagnostic Platform

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  4. Information about Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services and Support Diagnostic Platform

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  5. Information about Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services and Support Diagnostic Platform

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  6. Information about Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services and Support Diagnostic Platform

    Answers the frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services (MATS) and the Support Diagnostics Platform (SDP). Link Removed
  7. How to troubleshoot installing Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2

    Troubleshoot Windows setup issues by using this diagnostic service from Microsoft. This troubleshooter is integrated with the Microsoft Fix It Center Pro service. This service can perform automated diagnostic analysis to identify solutions to known... Link Removed
  8. Microsoft Fix it Center Pro automated diagnostic portal

    Microsoft automated diagnostics can identify solutions for known problems online. Microsoft continually adds new solutions to Fix it Center Pro to help diagnose and solve known issues automatically. Link Removed
  9. How to diagnose Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 printing problems

    The "Printing - Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2" troubleshooter collects information to help troubleshoot printing issues. This troubleshooter is integrated with the Microsoft Fix it Center Pro service that can perform automated diagnostic analysis... Link Removed
  10. Information about the Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services and Support Diagnostic Platform

    This article answers the frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services (MATS) and the Support Diagnostics Platform (SDP).[Please publish it via Fast Publish] Link Removed
  11. father's day

    Treated myself to a new Steering wheel for father's day (couldn't expect my 4 year old daughter to cough up for, opted for a Logitech Driving Force Gran Turismo force feedback model, to improve my DIRT3 skills and very happy with it. Admittedly I was hoping to get a G25, but not really...
  12. Simplifying Windows 7 Deployment: The What, When and How of Application Migration

    SCCM Expert’s Self Service for Windows 7 migrations provides an understanding of what applications to migrate, gives the flexibility to schedule migrations, and enables an automated migration workflow. Link Removed due to 404 Error
  13. Temporary Disabling of Translated Languages Due to Compatibility Issues

    Hello, everyone. We have recently had to disable several translated languages due to some compatibility problems. These languages are: Yiddish Hebrew Persian (Farsi) Turkish Sorry to our Middle Eastern visitors. We hope to bring these languages back soon once we can get a fix working for the...
  14. Self Service Simplifies Application Migration to Windows 7

    SCCM Expert announces automated application migration work flow for large scale Windows 7 migrations. End-users select required applications. Administrators approve and trigger migration remotely, with the push of a button. Link Removed due to 404 Error
  15. T

    Windows 7 automated instalation please help

    Guys please help! I have to create autounattend which would automate among others time zone and license key. I am a complete newbie and mine doesnt work as required. Could you please rectify this? My deadline at work is on Monday and I am really desperate. This is what I managed to create...
  16. Security Advisory 2286198 Updated

    We've just updated Link Removed due to 404 Error to let customers know that we now have an automated "Fix It" available to implement the workaround we first outlined in our original posting on Friday, July 16, 2010. More information is available in the KB article 2286198, but in summary running...