
  1. Rishab7

    Windows 7 Azure Data Factory Interview Questions

    Hi everyone, I am preparing for an Azure Data Factory interview and I was wondering if you could help me with some of the questions that I am struggling with. I have found a good list of questions on the Link Removed. Can someone please help me with the following questions: What is Azure Data...
  2. LilyLeiden

    Windows 11 User Migration to Azure user

    We just tested migrating a small batch of test users to our new Azure tenant. While migrating the PC/user account was no problem, the fact that people get a completely blank user profile, certainly was a showstopper!! Many of our users has had their AD profile for years, even a decade and has...
  3. webby

    Risk with adding Hyper-V?

    Is it a risk to add Hyper-V on our local server or does it have any impact? Just an extra tool? Need to convert a VHDX to VHD (file) due to migration to Azure. (Windows 2012 Server R2)