
  1. reghakr

    Amish Men's Beards Cut Off; Police Suspect Amish-On-Amish Violence

    Sheriff's deputies are closing in on suspects from a troublemaking Amish splinter group in Ohio who have broken into homes and cut off the beards and hair of other Amish men. Read Full Story: Amish Men's Beards Cut Off; Police Suspect Amish-On-Amish Violence
  2. News

    Windows 7 Hot Apps: Beards & Beaks, Kill The Duck, Fantastic Finger Fun, Angry Birds Scoop, Eventful

    Hot Apps will feature 5 of the hottest apps each week for the Windows Phone 7. In this episode Laura takes a look at: Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Please leave suggestions for hot apps that should be featured in the comments section, thanks! Link Removed...