
  1. VIDEO Grey Whale sighted off New England 200 years after species’ Atlantic extinction

  2. ART Can Pandas Handle Human Encroachment ?

  3. VIDEO How many ANTS are there on Earth and how much do they weigh?

  4. VIDEO The Coral Reefs That Thrive In Darkness | Alien Reef | Earth Stories

  5. VIDEO 10 Animals That Came Back From Extinction

  6. VIDEO Largest fish colony with 60 million nests discovered under the Antarctic

  7. VIDEO After 55 thousand years of desertification, are the Saudi deserts turning green again?

  8. VIDEO The Deadly Portuguese Man O' War | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth

  9. VIDEO Could Rising Heat Be Causing Violent Weather Phenomena? | Mutant Weather | Earth Stories

  10. VIDEO Scientists Have Just Made An Unexpected Discovery At The Bottom Of The Mariana Trench

  11. VIDEO What is Hidden in the Unexplored Amazon Rainforest?

  12. VIDEO Pando, The Largest Living Organism on Earth, Is Being Eaten Alive

  13. VIDEO The Urbanized Jungle: Ancient Maya Garden Cities

  14. VIDEO Rare Hybrid Bear of Polar Bear and Grizzly Bear

  15. VIDEO 10 Animals That Can Defeat A Lion - Lion VS Prey - Lion VS Predator - Askal

  16. VIDEO 14 Animals That Are the Last of Their Kind

  17. VIDEO We Share Our Home With 14 Bears | BEAST BUDDIES

  18. VIDEO 3 Animals That Came Back From the Dead | Lazarus Taxa

  19. VIDEO First Ever Animal That Doesn't Breathe Found!

  20. Electricity Causes Climate Change

    Humans steal electricity from Earths magnetic field. You cannot make electric from movement or wind energy because wind isnt an energy, movement isnt an energy. * Energy have 4 forms: light, heat, magnetism, electric * Humans live by generating electricity, heat, light, magnetism. We take...