
  1. VIDEO Everything Wrong With Raiders of the Lost Ark In 16 Minutes Or Less

  2. VIDEO Game of Thrones: Season 4 Bloopers (Comic Con)

  3. VIDEO Beaver fever TV news blooper anchors can't stop laughing

    :eek: :razz:
  4. VIDEO Top News Reporter Fails ~ Bloopers ~ Faints

  5. VIDEO Official Compare the Meerkat Bloopers starring Aleksandr Orlov

  6. VIDEO Keeping Up Appearances Bloopers

  7. VIDEO MooT's Talkbox Bloopers

  8. 15 Unintentionally Hilarious Newspaper Headlines (Part2)

    Link Removed Could you imagine the police responding to this particular call? “So you’re telling me that the bar fight was started by the sumo wrestler over there, involving a giant chocolate bar? Exactly how long did the fight last?” “It was about as long as the headline for this in...