broadcom nic

  1. E

    Windows 7 Local Network Connection. Not binding to IP stack. Connects o.k. on Linux, not Win7

    My machine is dual boot Win 7 x32 and Linux. I'm using a wired Broadcom 400x integrated NIC with a Motorla cable modem. I've been using this setup of about 5 months with Win7. There is only one computer connected and I have no wireless/router. In the middle of surfing on the Win OS, my...
  2. A

    Windows 7 local area network doesn't have a valid ip configuration

    I recently upgraded a Dell XPS Gen 2 M170 from Vista to Win7 Ultimate. Everything went fine except the Broadcom NIC was not recognized. I was able to get it installed using XP drivers in compatibility mode. Now whats driving me nuts is that when I try to connect to the internet, I get this...