browser hijacker

  1. ksuthayya

    Windows 10 MyStarting123 Browser Hijacker - Just can't delete, TRIED EVERYTHING

    Hi, My PC was infected with some Malware a couple of days ago and since then I've just been scanning and deleting unwated programs and software. No matter which anti-virus/anti-malware programs I use to scan and then quarantine and delete the infected files, the damn Mystarting123...
  2. mdeal3

    Windows 10 Funnysearching browser hijacker (Chrome)

    After installing another piece of software, I accidentally installed a bunch of adware as well. I was able to remove almost everything permanently except for the Funnysearching browser hijacker. My anti-malware programs (Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, Malwarebytes, and Avast!) say that they...