
  1. Microsoft's August 2010 Security Bulletin Overview

    Microsoft's August 2010 Security Bulletin Overview

    For August 2010 Patch Tuesday, Microsoft has released a total of 34 security vulnerability fixes, a patch to the Windows kernel, and 14 updates to release issues with Windows, Internet Explorer, .NET Framework (Silverlight), MSXML. It is one of the largest Windows Updates assembled in one...
  2. MSRC - Microsoft Update Patch Tuesday - June 2012

    MSRC - Microsoft Update Patch Tuesday - June 2012

    Major vulnerabilities in Remote Desktop and Windows Update are being patched in one of the largest surface area attacks against Windows in recent history. Install all security updates as soon as possible. 26 CVEs, 3 critical updates, and 7 in total. All are indexed with a critical rating of 1...