business machines

  1. The Commodore VIC-20

    Commodore VIC 20 Computer The VIC-20 (Germany: VC-20; Japan: VIC-1001) is an 8-bit home computer which was sold by Commodore Business Machines. The VIC-20 was announced in 1980, roughly three years after Commodore's first personal computer, the PET. The VIC-20 was the first computer of any...
  2. C

    Windows Vista Again, Why don't people like vista? High memory users only

    I have an 8gb machine (memory) and it runs without a hitch. Were the problems cleared during the sp1? I have windows 7 on other and I find both to be very similar except for the taskbar and some networking features. Are these past vista complaints or is there a valid reason? Windows 7 is nice...