campus tours

  1. Windows 7 Microsoft Campus Tours - Microsoft Hardware Model Shop

    Vince Jesus gives Clint Rutkas a tour of the Microsoft Hardware Model Shop (not to be confused with the Link Removed) where napkin doodles become working prototypes and then eventually finished products like the Link Removed. 3D Printers, C&C Machines and Paint Guns are just some of the toys...
  2. Windows 7 Campus Tours: Fuse Labs with Lili Cheng

    Long time Niner Link Removed shows us her workspace at Link Removed. Fuse is an interesting area at Microsoft that sits within the Microsoft Research that operates closer to shipping products than looking at the future. Fuse is a few blocks off the main campus and has a rich history, this is the...
  3. Windows 7 Microsoft Campus Tours - Microsoft Research Part 1 - The Anechoic Chamber

    Larry Larsen and Microsoft Research General Manager Kevin Schofield take a tour of Building 99. In this, the first of three parts, we check out one of the anechoic chambers used to create the technology behind Kinect. Link Removed Link Removed