
  1. VIDEO CBO releases Senate health bill score

  2. VIDEO CBO Threatened After Bad Trumpcare Score

  3. VIDEO White House's Own Study Hits TrumpCare Harder Than CBO

  4. VIDEO CBO: 52 Million Will Be Uninsured With Trumpcare

  5. VIDEO Why Republicans All Hate The CBO Now

  6. VIDEO Trump Cares This Much About The 24 Million Losing Healthcare...

    :eek: Trump promised everyone would be covered under his plan. He lied. A lot. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. http://tytnetwork.com/go "The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on Monday released its score of the GOP's plan...
  7. For Military Retirees Please read

    > > > > This is our 1st look at the bill. Finally, Tri-Care for Life Info. > > > > PASS THIS TO ALL MILITARY RETIREES > > > > Please pass on to all your military retired friends so they can be educated on how the "health care reform" will change our tricare benefits. Read article at very...