
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Coal Is Dying Even Faster Under Trump

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump Thinks Clean Coal Means That Workers Literally Hand Wash Pieces Of Coal

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Coal CEO Admits 'Clean Coal' is a Sham

  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump Vows to End the Nonexistent War on Coal: The Daily Show

    Clean coal o_O:usa:
  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Solar Creating Jobs 2X Faster Than Dirty Coal, Trump Wants Coal

  6. whoosh

    Desperate spinning by nuclear lobby to resuscitate the industry

    proponents of reactors have spent some $645 million in the last decade lobbying Congress for more subsidies. ….A critical moment is coming soon, when Obama goes to Congress to request an additional $36 billion in loan guarantees for new nukes in his 2012 budget.With them, America’s atomic...
  7. cybercore

    Dog allegedly killed with liquor, pot at Mill Valley teen party

    The Marin Humane Society is investigating allegations that a dog was fatally poisoned by alcohol and marijuana during an unsupervised juvenile party in Mill Valley. Tamalpais High School contacted authorities this week after picking up campus rumors about the dog's death at a large party in...