code snippet

  1. E

    Windows 10 Access Violation When Iterating Through SCSI Slots

    I am getting an access violation when iterating through SCSI HDD's. I'm sure I'm doing something that needs a minor tweak to get it to work properly. Anyone have any ideas on why I'm getting an access violation every time? HANDLE handle = CreateFile("\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive1", GENERIC_READ |...
  2. News

    Using speech in your UWP apps: It’s good to talk

    As developers, we adapt as technologies move from the realm of Science Fiction into readily available SDKs. That’s certainly, or perhaps especially, true for speech technologies. In the past 5 years, devices have become more personal and demanding of new forms of interaction. In Windows 10...
  3. Neemobeer

    Windows 10 Creating your own file hashing "program"

    I personally need to generate file hashes quite a bit for verifying file integrity as well as analyzing malware samples. I really wanted to have code that I had complete control over so I wrote a short powershell script and some minor registry editing to set this up. Registry Change If you...
  4. S

    Windows 7 Win32 API Dev Visual Styles difficulty

    Hi. I am working on a small and fast GUI wrapper for game and tool development. It has been a while that i worked with the win32 api. Everything works fine except of the displayed window elements. As you can see in the attached picture, the text looks like Win 3.x ^^. I applied a manifest...