coding help

  1. B

    Android Play mp3 onload body code

    Im trying to play sound onload body //section 1 works only if i click button on click test1() my code works...but doesn't play the file once body onload fucntion call runs in , function test1 trying to play sound tried doesn't run onload body i placed my explanation inside my code...
  2. A

    Windows 7 basic scripting, usage piping, output redirections and variable in one example.

    Hi, I mostly use another OS, and need to rewrite following script into one which works in windows. OK, here's the command: curl -s -x -b ./cookies.txt -X GET Link Removed 2>&1 | tr -d '[]' | sed "s/,/\n/g" | head -n 1 | sed "s/.\(.*\)./\1/" here's what it does: loads content of...