
  1. VIDEO Moore rep pressed on colleague's anti-Semitic remark

  2. VIDEO TPI (Total Protection Isolation) Suit

    Here's a video a colleague created. Sorry about the bad audio and video quality, this was from the only known video tape that he found.
  3. Windows 7 TechTalk - NUI - What’s in a Name?

    Natural User Interface, or NUI, is one of the favourite flavours du jour in certain interaction design and user experience circles. On the one hand, the term signals a change from the Graphical User Interace, or GUI, that has been prevalent since the early 1980s. In many ways, that is good. Not...
  4. Windows Vista Researchers publish info about Windows Vista flaw

    Move is revenge for way Microsoft treated colleague A group of security researchers last week published information about a flaw in Windows Vista and Server 2008, in revenge for the way Microsoft treated a colleague. Link Removed - Invalid URL