
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO What If a Grain Of Sand Hits The Earth At 99% The Speed Of Light

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO A Quantum Collision Just Created Matter From Light

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO A Neutron Star Collision with Earth

  4. News

    TA16-144A: WPAD Name Collision Vulnerability

    Original release date: May 23, 2016 Systems Affected Windows, OS X, Linux systems, and web browsers with WPAD enabled Overview Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) Domain Name System (DNS) queries that are intended for resolution on private or enterprise DNS servers have been observed reaching...
  5. News

    Security Advisory 2718704: Collision attack details, WU update rollout

    Today, as a part of our continuing phased mitigation strategy recently discussed, we have initiated the additional hardening of Windows Update. We’ve also provided more information about the MD5 hash-collision attacks used by the Flame malware in the SRD blog. This information should help...
  6. News

    Microsoft Security Advisory (961509): Research proves feasibility of collision attacks against MD5

    Revision Note: Advisory published Summary: Microsoft is aware that research was published at a security conference proving a successful attack against X.509 digital certificates signed using the MD5 hashing algorithm. This attack method would allow an attacker to generate additional...
  7. reghakr

    Police issue low-flying turkey warning

    Police are warning motorists to watch out for low-flying wild turkey after one of the large birds collided with a pickup truck Friday Read Full Story: Police issue low-flying turkey warning | London | News | London Free Press
  8. reghakr

    'I felt bear all over my leg': bicyclist collides with bear (PHOTO)

    Bicyclist John Hearn was one his daily bike travels when he noticed the bear out of the corner of his eye. Read Full Story: Link Removed due to 404 Error
  9. News

    Windows 7 XNA: Game Development - Making Games Respond with Collision

    Games are only really games if things bump into one another. In this video, Josh Foss and Elbert Perez show you how and why collision works in both 2D and 3D. Watch, then code along at Link Removed. We will be featuring a new XNA Game Development video each Monday for the next ten weeks. If...