
  1. Azhrei

    Windows 10 Mouse wheel sometimes changes it's function

    Bit of a strange one, here. When I'm browsing YouTube I'll usually hit the mouse wheel button to open a video in a new tab while I continue to browse. However sometimes Windows seems to change what it does, as it enables the scroll function. As you can see here - This scroll function is not...
  2. News

    Password pointers for stronger security

    We all know the feeling of password fatigue. Like when you go to make an online bill payment and can’t remember which combination of your childhood pets, random letters and special characters you chose. This fatigue can lead to some bad decisions. The more passwords you have to remember, the...
  3. DirtRider

    Windows 7 Graphics Issues – What chipset combination?

    I was just wondering for those of you that have had graphics issue what chipset combination were you running at the time?