
  1. VIDEO Cohen: Comey's Firing Was Obstruction. If Trump Ordered Mueller's Firing, "He Did It Again" | MSNBC

  2. VIDEO Donald Trump Tried To Fire Mueller; Biggest News Since Trump Fired Comey? | The Last Word | MSNBC

  3. VIDEO NYT: WH aides tried to mislead trump on firing Comey

  4. VIDEO Sarah Huckabee Sanders Could Face Indictment For Comey Comments, Senator Warns

  5. VIDEO Steve Bannon On Trump Firing Comey (60 Minutes Interview)

  6. VIDEO 'The President Show' Is Pitch Perfect: Trump Meets Wise Guys To Discuss James Comey

  7. VIDEO Trump Desperately Backpedals On Comey "Tapes" Comment

  8. VIDEO Trump targets Comey on Twitter, senators weigh in

  9. SATIRE Comey Leaks ?

  10. VIDEO Trump tweets on Comey, declares ‘total vindication’

    WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Friday broke his silence on Twitter following explosive testimony by fired FBI Director James Comey, declaring "total and complete vindication." Trump, who had not posted on his Twitter account since Comey accused the administration of spreading "lies,"...
  11. VIDEO Comey accuses White House of lying

  12. VIDEO Comey details one-on-one dinner with President Trump

  13. VIDEO Bombshell Comey Memo Suggests Trump Obstructed Justice

    :andwhat: :usa:
  14. VIDEO Report: Pres. Trump called former FBI Director James Comey a nut job

  15. VIDEO Not Just Obstruction – Trump Also Wanted Comey To Jail Members Of The Press

  16. VIDEO White House claims Comey's memo isn't accurate

  17. VIDEO What are the next steps for Trump, Congress after Comey memo?

  18. VIDEO Toobin on Comey memo: Obstruction of justice

  19. VIDEO Trump surprised at backlash from Comey firing

  20. VIDEO Comey's Firing Is Inspiring 'Godfather' Comparisons
