community engagement

  1. News

    The people behind Windows 11: Working with communities to improve input and accessibility

    John Porter is an input and accessibility designer who is unable to use what so many take for granted: a keyboard and mouse. Porter relies almost entirely on his voice and speech recognition technology, in addition to switches (a series of buttons with pre-defined actions to cover a small range...
  2. News

    New Orleans Game Camp creates opportunities for a more diverse pipeline

    For the past six months that they’ve been developing their first-ever video game, the Big Super Happy Fun Fun team knew pretty much from the get-go that their hometown of New Orleans needed to play a major part in it. This vibrant city – synonymous with multicultural food, music and...
  3. News

    Making the web more accessible and inclusive for all with Microsoft Edge

    The past few months have forever changed the way we work, learn and play each day. Our routines have been entirely disrupted, and we’ve had to adapt to new ways to stay productive, entertained and healthy. This change in our global landscape has increased our dependency on technology and...
  4. News

    Announcing the Microsoft Azure DevOps Bounty program

    The Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) is pleased to announce the launch of the Link Removed program, a program dedicated to providing rock-solid security for our DevOps customers. Starting January 17, 2019, we’re excited to offer rewards up to US$20,000 for eligible vulnerabilities in...
  5. News

    The Making of the Top 100 Researcher List

    At Black Hat USA each year, we unveil the Top 100 Security Researcher list to reflect the amazing engagement we get from the community. During this period, we had several thousand researchers engage with the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC). We appreciate all the partnership and...
  6. Mike

    March 30, 2018 - Forum Update!

    Hello! Well, it has been quite some time since I have followed up here to discuss with you what is going on with the forum. Today, we have introduced some new features, for the first time in awhile: You can now deactivate your account or reactivate it at any time. You can now change the color...
  7. News

    Making mixed reality: a conversation with Lucas Rizzotto

    Link Removed I first met Lucas Rizzotto at a Link Removed hackathon last December, where he and his team built a holographic advertising solution. Fast forward to August, and he’s now an award-winning mixed reality creator, technologist, and designer with two HoloLens apps in Windows Store...
  8. News

    The Beam Machine

    A Retrospective In late 2016, the Windows Insider team did something new. We hosted a real-time Webcast. While the concept of a webcast is not new, this was the first one for us. We hosted it during the development cycle for the Creator’s update and we timed it with the first Bug Bash. It was...
  9. News

    Notes from the Node.js VM Summit

    The Chakra team was delighted to host the third Node.js VM Summit recently here at Microsoft. These meetings bring together JavaScript VM vendors, Node collaborators, and CTC members including participants from Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, nearForm, and NodeSource. This group is currently...
  10. News

    VIDEO Ping 247: Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition, Giant Fighting Robots and the Commodore is back |...

    Welcome back to Ping! We talk about the return of robot combat return to television, we chat about a one-way ticket to Mars on the space desk, and more stories that 'softies are pinging each other about... Link Removed Last show... Link Removed Announcing: Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition Beta...
  11. News

    Running Cocos2d-x on Windows 10

    With Microsoft’s latest open source code contribution to the Cocos2d-x project [], Microsoft has enabled Cocos2d-x to run on Windows 10 on the Universal Windows Platform. The Universal Windows Platform (UWP) makes it possible to target all Windows...
  12. whoosh

    NEWS Sierra Leone to use scare-tactics campaign in Freetown to curb Ebola

    The president of Sierra Leone will launch a massive campaign on Wednesday to curb the spread of Ebola in the western areas of the capital Freetown, which will aim to scare people into changing their behaviour. The “western area surge” will use the sort of tactics that worked in the UK to...
  13. davidhk129

    Well Known Member

    Can someone lease give me the rationale on this "Well Known Member " label....... how does one become a "well known member " when one has single digit of "messages" ? By the same token, one can be a "well known member" if one signed up 2 years ago and never posted a message. Yes?
  14. Mike

    Windows 8 Windows 8 will change the face of computers: My Perspective

    In a fast paced world, three years after Windows 7, Microsoft’s upcoming successor OS, Windows 8 remains a hard sell. Does that mean it is not worthy of the buzz and hype? Browse a tech magazine lately? Check out a news site about technology? Chances are, you will read something about Windows...
  15. M

    Windows 7 Doctoral Research on Microsoft: do you want to participate in it?

    Hi everyone! My name is Matteo and I am a doctoral student at the University of Pisa. I am new here and I got the permission from your administrator to post a message about my research. I think you might be interested in it! :razz: I have been studying the relationship between individuals and...
  16. Mike

    September Updates

    We have moved ahead with our agenda in several areas for September. Members can enjoy changes in the following areas: Post Messages Using Windows Live ID, Facebook, Yahoo!, and AOL As we proposed today, members can use the Facebook Graph API (and therefore the OpenGraph API) to post messages...
  17. News

    A live BlueHat Prize webcast and the August 2011 security updates

    Hello all. It has been very nearly a week since our Link Removed due to 404 Error at Black Hat. Now that everyone’s had some time to digest the basics, we’ve asked Senior Security Strategist and chief BlueHat Prize architect Katie Moussouris to stop by the Trustworthy Computing...
  18. Mike

    Moving on: A Guide for Group Conduct

    The following message was written for our administrative team, but when analyzed, I believe it can be applied to forum members as a whole. I hope that you will agree, as in many cases, there can be no room for error: I have spoken to whoosh and we are ready to go. As long as we don't get under...
  19. cybercore

    Online Activism Aims to Stop School Spankings

    Can social media make a real difference for a cause? It's a challenge taken on by Marc Ecko and his Unlimited Justice, a campaign to fight corporal punishment in U.S. schools. More than just an isolated campaign, it's an example of how the Internet is changing modern activism. Online...
  20. News

    Windows 7 Talkin' C++ with Boris Jabes: C++ Intellisense, Game Development, and Boris Faces His Demons

    Boris Jabes is fun guy to talk to about C++. He has the distinction of being the first guy to share the news about the removal of C++/CLI intellisense support in VC10. He also has a great perspective on why the decision was made and understands the complexity of intellisense projects and complex...