computer care

  1. Windows 7 Keeping Your Cool

    Electronics and certainly PCs do not like heat. It is important that these devices stay cool @ all times and throughout their lifetime. That said, here is one of those "Best Practice" things that I suggest all too often does not even occur to people and that they do not think about or do on...
  2. Windows 8 Keeping Your Cool

    Electronics and certainly PCs do not like heat. It is important that these devices stay cool @ all times and throughout their lifetime. That said, here is one of those "Best Practice" things that I suggest all too often does not even occur to people and that they do not think about or do on...
  3. How to Clean Your PC, Inside and Out

    Cleaning a PC is more than just uninstalling a few apps and wiping off the case. Here's how to defeat dust, gunk, and other unmentionable material that gets lodged inside your desktop system. This article is not responsible if you turn your computer into a massive paperweight after trying one...
  4. B

    Windows 7 My last hope...

    Hello. I built my first computer 2 months ago. From the start I had problems with BSOD but got around them by my own ways. Every time I open my comp first time in a day I get constant BSOD, but if I close it and take the plug out of the wall for like 10mins it runs smoothly throught the rest of...