
  1. M

    Problema chiavetta USB

    Problema chiavetta USB Tengo problemi con la chiavetta USB, mi spiego tutto quando copia dei file sulla chiavetta e poi la porto su un altro computer trovo le vuote senza file che ho copiato ma che succede
  2. Copia?s Windows 7 Tablet App

    Copia Interactive, LLC announced its application for Windows 7 tablets of its social e-reader, Copia. It has also added features to support IE9 for the Copia Web Portal. The Copia platform was showcased on new Windows 7 tablets and multiple Windows 7 devices at Copia's CES 2011 exhibit. Link...
  3. CES: Copia e-reader app comes to Windows 7 tablets

    Already found on PCs, Macs, and other devices, the e-reader app that lets you discuss your favorite books with others is making a debut on Windows 7 tablets. Originally posted at CES 2011 More...
  4. CES Announcement: Copia Featured on Windows 7 Tablets

    Copia, the groundbreaking social eReading platform, today announced that it is shipping a touch-optimized client application for Windows 7 tablets of its social eReader, Copia, and has added features to support IE9 for the Copia Web Portal. Â The Copia platform will be showcased on new Windows 7...