
  1. whoosh

    ART The Cow Jumped

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Cow in love with accordion.

    🐄 🎶
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Farmer sets up camera to learn why a leopard visits his cow at night. The reason surprised everyone!

  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Cow In D Meadow

  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Responsive Mooing - The BEST Cow Moo Clip EVER

  6. whoosh

    VIDEO Luna the leaping cow ... She Wanted A Horse but Hey !

  7. reghakr

    Cow with head stuck in ladder rescued from udderly uncomfortable situation

    A cow that got its head stuck in a ladder has been rescued from the udderly uncomfortable situation by an animal charity. Read Full Story: Cow with head stuck in ladder rescued from udderly uncomfortable situation -
  8. reghakr

    VIDEO: Cow barges into sports store

    Now, after recent events we're starting to think that cows in general have hired a highly efficient new PR agency. The trend-setting animal forced her way into a sports clothing store in Austria yet was dismayed at the lack of adequate options for a creature of her size. The incident was...
  9. whoosh

    VIDEO Pull the udder one! Cow goes AWOL in Germany

  10. cybercore

    VIDEO Cow trained to jump like a horse

    Luna the cow has made a teenager Regina Mayer's riding dreams come true after the girl’s parents dashed her hopes of getting a horse. And, thanks to the hours Regina spent training Luna, they can enjoy more than just a leisurely canter. The beloved bovine regularly jumps over a hurdle...