
  1. News

    Joining forces on better browser compatibility in 2021

    Over the past few years, Microsoft has partnered with a group of browser vendors and other industry stakeholders to identify and address the top sources of web developer pain through initiatives like the MDN Web Developer Needs Assessment (“Web DNA”), as well as through our own product approach...
  2. News

    Enhancing automated testing in Microsoft Edge with new WebDriver capabilities, W3C protocol support, and automatic updates

    Just last week, the WebDriver specification officially became a W3C Recommendation, defining a standard way for web developers and browser engineers to automate the browser. This is a major step forward for web site and web app testing, as well as cross-browser interoperability initiatives like...
  3. News

    Next-generation web apps for education

    Just a short time ago, the new Microsoft Intune for Education was announced for teachers and technologists to manage devices, accounts, and apps for students. Since that time, we’ve heard from a number of developers and app publishers who work in education, who have questions about how their...
  4. News

    Scrolling on the web: A primer

    Scrolling is one of the oldest interactions on the web. Long before we had pull-to-refresh or infinite-loading lists, the humble scrollbar solved the web’s original scaling problem: how can we interact with content that’s stretched beyond the available viewport...
  5. News

    ORTC API is now available in Microsoft Edge

    In October last year, we announced our intention to Link Removed, and we have been hard at work on our implementation since then. Today, we are excited to announce that a preview version of our ORTC API implementation is available in the latest Windows Insider Preview release. ORTC Support in...
  6. News

    Microsoft Edge and Web Components

    Editor’s note: This is part two of a two-part series on Web Components by Microsoft Edge engineers Link Removed and Link Removed. To read more about our viewpoint and background on web components, please see part one, “Bringing componentization to the web: An overview of Web Components.“...
  7. News

    Building vorlon.JS with the help of the developer community and what’s next

    Recently at Link Removed and in the Microsoft Edge Web Platform Summit, we have talked about how our focus on bringing our teams and the technologies behind our web platform closer to the broader community of developers. We’ve made it a priority to contribute to open source projects that improve...
  8. reghakr

    Adobe Releases Its Own HTML5 Video Player

    Oct 22 2010 File Under: Link Removed due to 404 Error, Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Adobe has released an embeddable video player that plays HTML5 native video in browsers that support it, and falls back to Flash in browsers that don’t. It’s cross-browser and cross-platform, so it...