custom view

  1. Windows 7 How To Keep Explorer From Guessing

    When I fill a folder with files, Windows Explorer looks at the extensions and makes a guess as to what information I want to see when listing the files. The most common problem I have is when I place mp3 files into a folder and Explorer decides that I want to see Number, Title, Contributing...
  2. Windows 7 Web Camps TV #1 - ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 and Razor Tips with Phil Haack

    Link RemovedIt's the first episode of Web Camps TV—the show that gets you inside the Microsoft Web Platform!* In this episode,*Link Removed talks to Link Removed, Senior PM on the ASP.NET MVC team, about*ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1. Phil shows off his demo skills as he takes us on a tour of the...