desktop loading

  1. J

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Start Up

    Hello everyone, I have noticed over time that when I log on to Windows 7 Home Premium, it says, "welcome" and the loading circle stays for a minute or two. Then, I often have to wait about 4 to 5 minutes for the windows desktop and task bar along with the icons to load. While I am waiting for...
  2. S

    Windows 7 strange crash with windows 7

    hi guys i'm having a strange problem with windows 7. Everytime i boot up it after i shutdown it correctly when it reaches the desktop loading page it crashes with error FAULT_IN_UNPAGED_AREA and it restarts. After it restart it works well(doesn't crash again) until i shutdown windows again...
  3. Adam Lawrence

    Windows 7 Booting from restored system image fails

    My Win7 HP x64 PC has two hard drives, each partitioned into two volumes: My C:\ and E:\ drives are each half of a 200GB drive, both NTFS. My D:\ and F:\ drives are each half of a newer, 1TB drive, both NTFS. My F:\ drive has around 400GB of 'stuff' that I want to preserve. I've been trying...