device malfunction

  1. UltimateLordBear

    Windows 10 Power Surge on the USB Port

    I recently purchased and starting using the alienware 17.3. Using two of the usbs, i put in my logitec mouse, and hyper x headphones. I got an error that said power surge to the usb port. I looked it up and uninstalled the software. It didnt work. The one usb on the right works, but the two on...
  2. RetroRampage

    Windows 8 Trying to connect a Xbox One controller? (Unknown USB Device Code 43)

    Hello, everybody. Recently I have been trying to get my Xbox One, but no matter what I try, it just will NOT work! The problem is, it worked just fine, but starting a couple of days ago, every time I connect it, it tells me that the device malfunctioned. So, I thought it could be a driver...
  3. Mike

    Windows 7 ADT Home Security: “Unfortunately, they time our calls so we have to be as quick as we can.”

    ADT is a home and business security service that provides high-tech home monitoring in the event of private property intrusion or break-in. They are one of the largest in the US, and their systems range from wired solutions to WiFi ones. In the US, they also hold several government contracts. I...
  4. E

    Windows 7 reason for format request

    I'm running windows 7 (Release candidate) and I have a usb that is requesting a format and certain occurred as a result of the usb getting an electric shock. How? I had the usb plugged into my laptop while it was switched on and I plugged in an ethernet cable to the laptop. It happened as I...