Microsoft rolled up its sleeves and kicked off 2025 with a punch aimed directly at cybercriminals exploiting AI technology. In a gripping twist straight out of a cyber-thriller, the tech giant’s Digital Crimes Unit has taken legal action to disrupt a sophisticated threat group using generative...
In a high-stakes move that reads like a scene out of a cybersecurity thriller, Microsoft has dropped the legal gauntlet on ten individuals allegedly operating a hacking-as-a-service (HaaS) scheme. This lawsuit, filed in federal court, zeroes in on their alleged illicit activities, which involved...
Microsoft, one of the tech world’s juggernauts, found itself entangled in yet another cybercrime crackdown, this time targeting a hacking-as-a-service scheme exploiting weaknesses in its Azure OpenAI services. The lawsuit, brought forward in Virginia’s Eastern District Court, accuses a group of...