directory permissions

  1. Russell

    Debian Linux version 9.5 directory permissions and WinSCP version 5.13.3 ( Build 8565 ).

    Attention: windowsForum members: This morning I finally figured out how to transfer files from Microsoft Windows 10 ( Home ) edition hard drive ( c: ) to my new Oracle VirtualBox Debian version 9.5 virtual machine ( VM ) operating system. If you receive the "Error message from server...
  2. R

    How to Restrict a Windows Service Account to Reading/Writing from a Specific Folder

    Hi, New here but not new to Windows. I have a software requirement that I am surprised I can't seem to find an answer for. I have written a Windows Service. I have created an installer for this service. This installer (when run as Administrator) creates a new user, provides the user with...
  3. A

    Windows 7 cant install Adobe 9.3

    I have been working with Adobe forum but no results. I just purchased the Asus with Windows 7. I can down load Adobe reader but get install it. During the install I get the following error. I am woundering if Windows 7 is my problem? Error 1310. Error writing to...
  4. T

    Windows 7 User Permissions; Ouch!

    I just installed Windows7 Professional with 2 standard users. I wanted to restrict access to one user's documents from the other. I was successful in doing that but then later I deleted both users and user files. Now I can't access the restricted root directory even as Administrator. If I take...