
  1. D

    Windows 8 Directplay not in windows 8.1

    Hello there. I'm trying to get a retail version of an old game running. The game runs, but I have a problem. I've searched around a bit, and the solution seems to be turning directplay on. I go to control panel, and to my surprise directplay isn't there, nor the legacy folder it's contained in...
  2. M

    Windows 10 Directplay restart

    ok so when i tried to play an older game it stopped the loading and told me i needed to have directplay installed so i clicked install now the issue is when i click install it says searching for files then it says windows needs to restart to apply the changes now i did it and it didnt do...
  3. MS12-082 - Important : Vulnerability in DirectPlay Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2770660)...

    Severity Rating: Important Revision Note: V1.2 (July 9, 2013): Bulletin revised to announce a detection change in the Windows Vista packages for the 2770660 update to correct a Windows Update reoffering issue. This is a detection change only. Customers who have already successfully updated their...
  4. MS12-082 - Important : Vulnerability in DirectPlay Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2770660)...

    Severity Rating: Important Revision Note: V1.2 (July 9, 2013): Bulletin revised to announce a detection change in the Windows Vista packages for the 2770660 update to correct a Windows Update reoffering issue. This is a detection change only. Customers who have already successfully updated their...
  5. MS12-082: Vulnerability in DirectPlay could allow remote code execution: December 11, 2012

  6. MS12-082 - Important : Vulnerability in DirectPlay Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2770660) - Ver

    Severity Rating: Important Revision Note: V1.0 (December 11, 2012): Bulletin published. Summary: This security update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in Microsoft Windows. The vulnerability could allow remote code execution if an attacker convinces a user to...