disk troubleshooting

  1. Windows 7 Windows 7 64bit won't boot - 0xc0000225 error - Macbook Pro w/ bootcamp

    Hi there, this is also posted in the Apple forums, as I'm running Windows and Mac OSX on separate partitions on a MacBook Pro, but it was suggested I might get more help here as it's a pretty specific Windows problem. Whilst editing the msconfig setup on my Windows 7 64bit partition (which I've...
  2. I

    Windows 7 Drive 0 Serious Problem

    Hi everyone! Ive got some serious problems here. My disk 0, the only disk I have is totally screwed up and I don't know how to fix it. Basically it is inactive, offline and invalid at the same time. I tried diskpart in cmd but I got out of there without any results. The only helpful thing...