documents and settings

  1. S

    Windows 7 Winows 7 user accounts, user folder names, and paths

    I have a new Dell laptop with Windows 7 Professional. It came with McAfee security. I am comparing W7's Explorer's left hand folder tree with that of my desktop computer which has Win XP Pro. I find W7 to be confusing. W7 has a folder called \Users\ which seems to be similar to XP's...
  2. D

    Windows 7 why duplicate "users" folder in win7?

    Hello in windows7 there is "document and setting" and "users" folders. they have the same contents and size. and they take up duplicate space. can i delete one of the folders? how can i save capacity in HD? my 'windows' folder growing all the time and now its 11gb size. there is somting to...
  3. JackInTulsiTown

    Windows 7 Content.IE5 location quirk

    We have started testing Windows 7. We have discovered a quirk in the storage of temporary internet files that may have some security concerns. The official literature of Windows 7 says the storage point for the Content.IE5 folder has been relocated to...