
  1. mvidaure

    Windows 7 Windows failed to start" error (0xc0000225); 2 days and no solution

    I am experiencing a "Windows failed to start" error (0xc0000225) and cannot even start windows or run safe mode (f9). Plus I didn't have the installation discs. I have tried EasyRE via both CD and USB but both result in the same problem. When I actually try to perform an 'Automated Repair' on...
  2. A

    Windows 7 Please help! Windows 7 starts to load logo and then reboots and goes to startup repair

    I apoligize in advance as I am new to this forum if this is not the correct location to post my issue. I am currently working on my fathers desktop which is a Dell XPS 400. He had a recent power surge which killed his power supply. We ordered a new power supply installed it and now once we boot...