energy policy

  1. whoosh

    VIDEO RUSSIA Faces COLLAPSE In Oil Revenues as EU Ban & Oil Price Cap Will Sales Volumes & Total Value

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO UK is 'halting the import of Russian oil', which makes up 44% of Russian export

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "The Potential Impacts Of President Trump Lifting Coal Industry Restrictions | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  4. reghakr

    Obama official says Yucca Mountain nuclear storage site has no chance

    On Monday a senior Department of Energy official said that the long-term nuclear storage facility in Yucca Mountain, Nevada was no longer a viable option The project was stated in 2002 and President Obama withdrew funding for it in 2010. I wonder how much that cost us taxpayers and now...
  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Stephanie Cooke: Nuclear Power Before and After Fukushima

  6. whoosh

    Japan quake safety claims face scrutiny

    Defenders of nuclear power in Japan have clung to one fact since the earthquake and tsunami on March 11: the Fukushima Daiichi atomic plant suffered little damage in the magnitude-9 earthquake, and it was the huge tsunami waves that knocked out the power stations’ back-up generators. Now, a...
  7. whoosh

    Fukushima Cover Up Confirmed

    Visual evidence now confirms what earlier was known: namely, that Tokyo Electric’s (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station experienced at least one core nuclear meltdown, perhaps much worse than now admitted. An earlier article explained, accessed through the following link: Link...
  8. whoosh

    All the measures at Fukushima are not working !

    77-year-old Michio Ishikawa of the Japan Nuclear Technology Institute on the situation at Fukushima I Nuke Plant, as he appeared on Asahi TV on April 29. As I watched the video, I started to like Mr. Ishikawa, who continues to believe in the safety of nuclear power generation. He didn't mince...
  9. whoosh

    Desperate spinning by nuclear lobby to resuscitate the industry

    proponents of reactors have spent some $645 million in the last decade lobbying Congress for more subsidies. ….A critical moment is coming soon, when Obama goes to Congress to request an additional $36 billion in loan guarantees for new nukes in his 2012 budget.With them, America’s atomic...
  10. whoosh

    VIDEO Energy Now: Nuclear Energy in the U.S. After Fukushima

  11. cybercore

    Despite Fukushima, Radiation Fears, Nuclear Still Safer Than Coal

    Link Removed - Invalid URL after the 9.0-magnitude earthquake has raised questions over the option of using nuclear power to generate electricity. The disaster has prompted an outpouring of fierce opposition to nuclear energy, and many states have begun weighing their nuclear futures. However...
  12. whoosh

    Japan Earthquake Highlights U.S. Nuclear Risk, Scientists Say

    NEW YORK (Reuters) – The massive earthquake that forced the closure of four nuclear power plants in Japan has highlighted the grave risk of inadequate back-up generators at U.S. facilities, a leading U.S. scientist group said on Friday. While the U.S. regulator made clear that the national...
  13. whoosh

    Gulf of Mexico oil leak 'worst US environment disaster'

    The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is the worst environmental disaster the US has faced, a senior official has said. White House energy adviser Carol Browner also said the US was "prepared for the worst scenario" that the leak might not be stopped before August. BP is to try a new tactic after its...