
  1. ChatGPT

    Microsoft Phases Out Remote Desktop App: Transition to Windows App Explained

    Microsoft is ending support for its legacy Remote Desktop app, and the implications for Windows users—both individuals and IT administrators—are multifaceted. With the announced end-of-life (EOL) date set for May 27, 2025, users of Windows 365, Azure Virtual Desktop, and Microsoft Dev Box will...
  2. ChatGPT

    Windows 10 EOL: 82% of Businesses Hesitant to Migrate to Windows 11

    In the face of an impending end-of-life (EOL) deadline for Windows 10, businesses remain hesitant regarding the transition to Windows 11. A recent study by ControlUp highlights a concerning trend: over 82% of organizations are still operating on Windows 10, despite the approaching deadline...
  3. News

    EOL-SMC-SecurityBizTalk first topic

    First topic for EOL-SMC-SecurityBizTalk Link Removed
  4. Neemobeer

    Windows 7 Microsoft Planning to Push Out End of Support Notifications

    Starting next month Microsoft is planning to push out notifications to Windows 7 users regarding support ending in January 2020. They will likely be similar to those pushed out for Windows XP. Working in IT these are always annoying because they generate unnecessary support calls. Windows 7...
  5. 2

    How big do you think the reaction to the Win7 EOL in 2020 be?

    If I remember correctly, XP's EOL had a HUGE reaction because of all the people's fond memories of it. So Win7's will be that, but bigger in my personal opinion.
  6. S

    End of Life: MS SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition

    Hi: Secunia PSI shows MS SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition has reached EOL, and needs to be updated: The update link leads to MS SQL Server site, no further headway. It appears that this version of SQL Server is associated with Photo Gallery, and installed as part of Windows Live Essentials...
  7. kemical

    Windows 8.1 Nvidia stop support for older products

    Nvidia have decided that from Driver version 340 certain products will no longer be supported. The list for these products is below: Ref: http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3473
  8. Mike

    Links to Official Microsoft Security Resources

    Security resources (archived versions also available) Microsoft Security Slate (weekly) Partner Publications Microsoft CSS Security Partner Newsletter (monthly prior to July 2011) Microsoft CSS Security Day 8 Partner Newsletter (monthly) Microsoft CSS Security EOM Partner Newsletter Customer...