
  1. News

    VIDEO Announcing Microsoft Edge WebView2 General Availability

    Today, we are excited to announce that Microsoft Edge WebView2 for Win32 C/C++ is generally available and ready for use in production applications! With today’s announcement, we are officially releasing a forward-compatible WebView2 SDK along with production-ready WebView2 Runtime. These can be...
  2. News

    Understanding versions in an evergreen browser

    The Link Removed (build 10547) contains a new set of features now available for Insiders to test – we encourage you to check out our Link Removed to see what’s new and try out the build for yourself via the Link Removed. Since Microsoft Edge is designed to be an evergreen browser, regularly...
  3. kemical

    Windows 7 DX11 Cards

    We've got confirmation from AMD that the Evergreen cards are being shown this weekend, at the QuakeCon video game convention in Dallas, Texas. The word is finally out. AMD will launch it's much anticipated next generation graphics processors code name Evergreen on September 10th; ahead of...