excel 2002

  1. cybercore

    Windows XP Office XP to Go Off Support in July

    Link Removed 4 months from tomorrow, July 12, 2011, Microsoft Office XP will exit its "Extended Support Phase" ending, among other things, the provision of security updates for it. July 12 is the second Tuesday of the month—Patch Tuesday—and Microsoft always schedules such support...
  2. Celestra

    Windows Vista Important: New Patches Coming.....Windows And Office

    Microsoft announced today two new updates will be shipped out on Tuesday (March 9th) at 1:00 pm EST. The 1st update addresses one or more vulnerabilities in Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. And affects the most recent service packs for XP and Vista, SP3 and SP2, respectively both 32- and 64- bit...